

The Journey

The narrative arc of our 5-day Becoming Monster journey will follow the alchemical process of Solve et Coagula, where we experience substances dissolving and coming back together as something other. Solve refers to this breaking down of elements and coagula refers to their coming together. We imagine that our time together will be neither linear, nor neat… days and nights will spill over into one another, as indicated by the overlapping “headlines” for each day. We hope that this arc will offer a narrative through-line for our time together:

Day 1: Wednesday, October 30th
The Threshold / The Breakdown

We stand at the edge of the unknown and resource ourselves to find spaciousness and trust in these threshold spaces. We invite the alchemical wisdom of calcination and dissolution to carve out pathways for our explorations. We open our perception to unseen allies and companions waiting to dance us through the chaos and dissolve.

Day 2: Thursday, October 31st
The Breakdown / The Shake Up

We shake, stir, and agitate what may have become sedentary in our worldviews. How might we allow ourselves to become porous, confused or generously lost? What questions might we ask? What is the posture of asking? Of receiving? What might it mean for us to stay with the questions rather than ask for their resolutions?

Day 3: Friday, November 1st
The Shake Up / The Falling Together

The alchemical wisdom of fermentation invites an effervescent death to bubble up and feed life in the fertile dark. What is bubbling in you? An absurd desire to allow impulse to lead the way? A quiet resolution to go deeper into the dark?  A giddy inclination to give into gravity and free fall down the endless well of not-knowing?

Day 4: Saturday, November 2nd
The Falling Together / The Coagulation

We show up as we are, gleam of sweat, snaggle-toothed, disheveled. What is with us now? What is coming together, or still falling apart? What forms of celebration assemble themselves in the holes we dug, the carved out spaces and edgelands of our inquiries? In our willingness to merge with the sub/e/mergent, we may find dualities queerly blurring and blending. 

Day 5: Sunday, November 3rd
The Coagulation / The Threshold

We pause to notice what may be newly held, what is sticking together, what we are sensing and what sensation is calling our attention towards. What strange new postures might we be embodying, what grammars, ancient or newly congealed, might be speaking with or through us? We pause to meet yet another of the endless thresholds. We gaze out upon the next horizon with thanks for ourselves, our companions both seen and unseen.